5 Must-Haves in Morning Routines for High-Achieving Students

Morning routine coma, sunlight, window, hot tea, green plants, indoor plants, study table, book, Early morning, aesthetic

Ohayo, Munchkins!

5 Must-Haves in Morning Routines: As students, I’m aware that each one of you is constantly struggling to identify a proper routine that works for you. With the overwhelming amount of data available online, it’s difficult to stick to one thing, as one source may
say something while another says the complete opposite. This makes it challenging for you to tailor your own priorities and needs.

Before understanding the must-haves, you need to understand the purpose of having a routine. The routine allows you to achieve the “flow state” for a kickstart of the tasks you want to do. Consider it as one beat after another creating a rhythm; similarly, routines work for you. So, rather than listening to others, you need to find your own beat that creates a rhythm for you and allows you to enhance and unlock your own potential.

The Importance of Morning Routines

Morning routines are essential for setting the tone for the rest of the day. By incorporating certain practices into your morning routine, you can improve your focus, productivity, and overall well-being. High-achieving students
understand the importance of morning routines and make them a priority.

Moving towards the 5 musts you need

5 Must-Haves in Morning Routines for High-Achieving Students

1. Awareness of Your First Thought

It is necessary to be in complete awareness of your first thought, as it works as an intention for the rest of the day. So, it’s quite necessary for you to begin your morning with complete positive vibration that you want to vibrate on for the rest of the day. Take a moment to acknowledge your thoughts and set a positive tone for the day.

2. Awakening of All Your Senses

While sitting or resting in bed, focus on all your five senses without any intentions or thoughts. Give all your senses a good morning to be awake and arise completely, in order to thrive for the rest of the day. Take deep
breaths, notice the sensations in your body, and listen to the sounds around you.

3. Give Space to Yourself

Rather than jumping into work instantly, give yourself the space you need to be completely awake and perform the tasks you need to for the rest of the day. Take a few minutes to stretch, meditate, or simply enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. This will help you transition smoothly into your day.

4. Observe Your Surroundings

As you wake up, take a moment to look around yourself and enjoy your experience as a person, without your identification with something. Just love being who you really are and let yourself see and enjoy the existence of the things around you. Notice the beauty in the world, the people, and the things that surround you.

5. Gratitude Giving

Giving gratitude for the things around you and also to yourself for doing a wonderful job throughout the day, and thanking your surroundings for giving you the resources you need to perform your tasks, is something one must inculcate in their routine. Take a moment to reflect on the things you’re grateful for, no matter how small they may seem.


Incorporating these 5 must-haves into your morning routine can have a significant impact on your day. By being aware of your thoughts, awakening your senses, giving space to yourself, observing your surroundings, and
practicing gratitude, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the challenges of the day. Remember, the key to a successful morning routine is consistency, flexibility, and experimentation. Find what works for you and make it a

Final Thoughts

As high-achieving students, it’s essential to prioritize your morning routine. By doing so, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success, improve your focus and productivity, and enhance your overall well-being. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things until you find a routine that works for you. Happy morning routine crafting!

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